Sunday, October 21, 2007

happy b-day james ^^

happy birthday james! ^^

it was his birthday yesterday.. we ate at Olive Garden - me, tita jinky tito joel, cole, becca, james, uncle dave, tita norie, and grandma.. then after eating, uncle dave, tita norie, grandma, becca, and cole went home while me, james, tita jinky, and tit joel went to watch a movie.. kami ni james watched The Comebacks, tpos cla tita jinky and tito joel watched We Own the Night..

guess what James got himself for his bday *smug* XD

he got himself the new iPod Touch! ka-ching! talk about loaded XD

this week, i have my stat exam, gotta work on another paper, keep up with my reading, and the regular stuff..

that's pretty much it.. till next time ;)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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